FTL - Fuels Transport and Logistics
Fuels Transport and Logistics is a company incorporated under the law of the Democratic Republic of Congo fully owned by Medea Development SA.
FTL, Pipeline kasumbalesa lubumbashi, pipeline moanda matadi, refinery moanda, strategic storage masina, strategic storage lubumbashi, ftl pipeline, south intaking system, Système intégré de transport et stockage au Sud de la RDC
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FTL Fuels Transport and Logistics SA. is a Company incorporated under the law of the Democratic Republic of Congo fully owned by Medea Development DRC which is a company of Medea Group.


The Company is a Vehicle with the objective, through its affiliates SLP (Société Logistique Pétrolière SA), SIP (Société des Infrastructures Pétrolières SA), SLS (Société Logistique Sud SA) to implement several projects in the fuels downstream sector of the DRC. These projects will:

  • Create value from the existing facilities through proper industrial and commercial approach.
  • Control the fuel quantities imported and distributed in the Country.
  • Increase the amount of the fiscality due to the State.
  • Lower the fuel price at the pump
  • Generate new cash for the implementation of new infrastructure and the refurbishment of the existing ones.
  • Create Country independence in fuels supply through new refining capacity in the Western area and the possibility to have access to refining capacity in the South.
  • Establish an efficient fuels logistic system in the framework of the DRC Hydrocarbon Law (08/2015), relaunching the State Company in the central role of national champion for the hydrocarbons sector.

FTL management respects and protects the environment wherever they operate. Thorough environmental impact assessments are performed prior to any activity, in order to minimize adverse impacts on the environment. FTL is committed to reducing emissions and waste, and using energy and other natural resources efficiently.


FTL and its affiliates ensure the highest quality standards strictly following the best safety practices in the industry.


The FTL management has a strong experience in the hydrocarbon downstream sector, and have been in charge of several international projects.